來自100個城市及地區、99個不同設計領域,義大利國際設計大獎A’ Design Award,今年剛公佈 2017-18 得獎作品。其中,【#DINOLAB恐龍實驗室】名列室內空間及展覽設計類組,獲得金獎肯定。
耗時一年籌備,台北站獲得眾多藝人明星與15萬民眾好評支持,#DINOLAB恐龍實驗室是由 INCEPTION 啓藝 原創策展主辦的 100% 科普文創 IP 展覽,打破過去恐龍展的遠古叢林造景、平面式觀展動線,打造全新故事情境與未來感實驗基地,讓大小朋友穿梭在 5 米高 CUBE 奇幻空間,登高與恐龍近距離接觸,體驗上百件重量級展品與數位互動裝置,身歷其境完成恐龍的復活任務。
義大利的 A’Design Award 於每年4月中旬公佈,在空間設計、工業設計、傳播設計、時裝設計、系統設計以及藝術及文學等不同領域中,選出鉑金獎、金獎、銀獎、銅獎和鐵獎得獎團隊。 #DINOLAB 恐龍實驗室,在今年獲得室內空間與展覽設計類別的金獎肯定,與大家分享喜悅,我們會繼續努力,讓更多好作品站上國際舞台!
Golden A' Design Award Winner for Interior Space and Exhibition Design Category in 2017
From the innovation of the storyline, production of all the exhibits, designs, to the promotion, tickets sales and the merchandise development and selling, #DINOLAB is a 100% original exhibition created by us. In addition to the fascinating space and graphic design, the most engaging feature of DINOLAB is the combination of the elements of theater and exhibition. By inviting actors to perform in the exhibition, we represented the DINOLAB as if it’s really happening in the world... UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Attracted more than 150 thousand visitors in about 100 days, the brand new IP #DINOLAB has made a huge breakthrough in dinosaur exhibition by building a futuristic storyline and digital interaction designs. The 5-meter high CUBE space offers over 150 thousand attendees close contact with hundreds of exhibits, robotic dinosaurs and giant skeleton statues. PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in November 2016 in Taiwan and was exhibited at Taiwan Science Education Center in Taipei from July 2017 to October 2017. FITS BEST INTO CATEGORY: Interior Space and Exhibition Design

Dinolab Exhibition by Inception Cultural and Creative Co., Ltd is Winner in Interior Space and Exhibition Design Category, 2017 - 2018.