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Immersive Experience |台北

Club Med|That's L’esprit Libre

Club Med開箱夢幻假期|That's L’esprit Libre 

何謂「L’esprit Libre」?




是Club Med想帶給每一位旅人「L’esprit Libre自由自在」的體驗。


Club Med在全球有超過70多個度假村,橫跨全球30多個國家。主打全包式假期,從餐食到住宿、從海底到空中,多樣活動全部收纜。


此次策展透過全境式投影,帶台灣民眾穿越六大度假村,從阿爾卑斯山雪地到東非模里西斯陽光海灘,並邀請演員重現度假村的核心角色G.O,以沉浸式劇場,體驗度假村的日常,包含:馬戲表演、Live Band、起司鍋、品香檳,滿滿視、聽、觸、味、嗅覺五感體驗,帶給旅人「L’esprit Libre 這就是自由自在」的享受。

What is "L’esprit Libre"?


"Be true to yourself in the journey, forget what day of the week it is.  

The only thing you need to do is nothing at all."


This is the "L’esprit Libre" experience that Club Med wants to bring to every traveler.


With over 70 resorts in more than 30 countries worldwide, Club Med offers all-inclusive holidays where every detail is thoughtfully taken care of.


This exhibition, through immersive projection mapping and theatrical performances, takes visitors in Taiwan on a journey through six of Club Med’s resorts—from the snowy Alps to the sunny beaches of Mauritius in East Africa. 


Combining circus performances, live bands, gourmet dining, and scent experiences, the exhibition provides a full sensory experience, engaging sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell to bring travelers the enjoyment of "L’esprit Libre—this is true freedom."


Travelers won’t need to worry about planning their itinerary—just switch to vacation mode and enjoy a carefree and unique holiday experience!


  • Circus G.O馬戲表演:來自泰國、美國、台灣的專業馬戲表演者

  • Live Band:火星人Bruno Mars膾炙人口歌曲

  • 熱情G.O:時刻相伴、有小孩也不擔心

  • 餐食體驗:義大利香檳、法式可麗露、瑞士起司鍋

  • 雪地健行:一腳踏入雪地,探索動物足跡

  • 深海悠遊:潛入深海,帶你認識Menta Ray

  • 叢林探險:走進東非,一睹百年亞達伯拉象龜




【Club Med 開箱夢幻假期 That's L’esprit Libre】展覽資訊

▩ 主辦單位|Club Med

▩ 策展單位|INCEPTION 啟藝

▩ 日期|2024年9月13日-9月17日

▩ 地點|華山文化創意園區 東3A - Magic Box

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